If by chance any item is lost in transit (and they have always turned up safe), then a three month gap will be enforced before remaking to allow for delayed post. The artist will remake the item but there may be artistic changes from the original and there will be a delay.
Each item is a one off and no two items will ever be exactly the same.
You will be asked to create a personal message and title for the reverse.
No refunds will be given. Any damages can be repaired at any time for a small hourly fee.
We suggest you gently dust the item and you additionally wipe it with a wet cloth.
Completion timing
Artworks need a lot of drying time. However, do not despair, if timing is tight, a teaser can be made for the recipient in the form of a posted card complete with photos you provide. Many clients come across the site and think ‘too late’. Well not necessarily at all! Nearly half of the clients are late for the day. So an intriguing Teaser design service has been devised which is free. This adds intrigue and is fun. The recipient knows someone has put a lot of thought into the gift.
The card includes this personalised message:
Happy Anniversary !! As this is a very important date, our ‘PAPER’ Anniversary, an original gift has been specially commissioned from a unique and original gallery…..please be patient it will be worth the wait! Sometimes the best presents take that little bit longer!