Anita is crazy about being by the sea and passionate about sailing having been on boats all her life. So it was natural that boats, coastal scenes and yachts would be one of the art items she enjoys creating most. She has created several papier mache replicas of yachts and dinghies and this is a really fabulous present for a boat lover. The coastal papier mache sculptures sit well on driftwood and can incorporate flotsam and jetsam which Anita scavenges on the beaches. Any coastal pursuit can be replicated, any beach any coastal view and any boat. A great gift or memento.
A lot of research goes into each piece. For instance the Fastnet rock piece led to a lengthy discussion of what tack you would be on as you rounded the rock. If you have to sell your yacht how lovely to have this as a memory. Anita has a huge collection of beach found items, especially driftwood. She experiments with numerous ways of creating boats and seascapes utilising Papier Mache, driftwood from Chichester Harbour, water worn stones and glass – even broken crockery.